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A Muslim Girl[1]

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The first issue that must be addressed is: What is God"s purpose of creation of beakers


What is God"s purpose of creation of man?

One of the names of Allah in the Qur"an, it is emphasized, is wise. By its characteristic is that all verbs that God is wise, on this

basis, the purpose of man"s creation will follow.The purpose of the divine verb human actions are different. We"re working to be

the result of our revenue in other words, in all cases, the main objective of providing personal interests;But what does God need

to do to provide it. She is absolute perfection and does not do anything for himself, but for the benefit of the people, will deliver.


Therefore, the ultimate goal of the creation of man, the nature of God, the God of Fayyad requires that the human being is

created. It is by its nature more blessings God has imparted to His people. The Lord being merciful judgment must complete and

create a beautiful world.


Thus the heavens and the earth and what is between them created and existingThe name of the man with the power of

intellect is created. By its God, bringing benefit to others.Philosophical language, the actions of his divine nature and the

mystical language, the manifestation of God like characteristics.


Quran says in this regard:We created not the jinn and humankind except to worship

However, in worship, God is not profit. If man could disobey the Daman officials will not come over him. The Holy Quran says:If

all the world opposes the religion of God, they would not harm God, because God is the Owner of Praise.

The creation of human beings to worship is not apparent, but Murad is true worship. Tabatabai (ra) said:(Indeed, my prayer is

that all of the humiliation and forced obedience, as unto the Lord brought me. Meanwhile, the prayer for the interpreter to

interpret that knowledge will say:Tell the truth, the knowledge that comes from the external worship, the ultimate purpose of

creation, the same is true worship, the servant of the Lord and learn to cut anything else tell her that mention.)


Such commentary, talked about his G·hrbar Sydalshhda (AS) Imam Sadiq (as) quoted the Prophet has stated, where Allah

says: (Allah, the servants until created not for him to know that, when he Badtsh know they are servants of him and serve

Him when they are needed.)


Ustad Shahid Motahari (RA) also says: (Qur"an says that we have not created the jinn and humankind except to worship and

serve the other hand is far, it is clear that the main goal, not a lower level, but higher level is the same is true;God is the goal.

The logic of Islam, the only one thing and that is God. Unity of Islam, but this is not usually necessary. Unity of Islam, the goal

is to introduce another;Like Heaven and escape from Hell, the second goal is the goal of many people who post their diabolical

be redeemed.)


In another verse of the creation of man in order to test and experiment, he is mentioned, it is stated that:God created death

and life to try you which Nykvkartryd.)


There is no doubt that the divine is to eliminate ignorance, because God knows everything, but the goal is to provide context

to the subjects themselves, it"s clear that they are hiding their talents to realizing.


The last things to say to the creation of man, is his examination of the way she chooses slavery and the ultimate perfection

which is closer to the Lord, to be attained.


The Quran clearly obtains that God created the world for humans and philosophy of human creation,The worship of God and

Race in the works, a place closer to God and His perfection. Of the man, sometimes, the philosophy and the creation of the


Your satisfaction is higher than that from the Lord you will have a reason, so do notFirst, do not consent and then you create

it on your own, you alone that I would bring you satisfaction. Or if we say,What would motivate the divine wrath, or God"s

wrath on a certain person or a certain people, he does not mean that God gets angry and changes its state!It does not state

that God wants to change. Humans and other creatures that wants something for Ajztr of God and the nature of his influence

can be!We like to imagine that the Imam Baqir (pbuh) says about it, maybe two antennae ants think that he is God because

he perfection for the ants antennae sees! 10, many of which also our God and we have the ideas of God, and the false self is

for analogy.


The aim of the work is achieved and not achieved, and thereby save their failure to reach perfection.

Target shooting is to practice shooting skills to get busy and get the shot that was previously lacking.

The goal is to tailor clothes, clothes that previously did not wear weaves to cover his body from heat and cold to escape


The carpenter is building a chair to sit on it or sell it and get money.

The verbs and all verbs, but man, this thing is going. So we can not accept that the man and Rahman have done similar things,

but was forced to believe that the person is different, and Rahman.

The purpose of "Reach" is perfection and perfection is the goal of delivering Rahman. Because God is pure perfection and he

has no any flaws and shortcomings. Unlike us humans.


The luminous glow of sun on the animal and human world, animate and inanimate, the golden light of the sun shines and it sips


Indeed, the Sun sprayed on the soil and on the soil of the New What? Illumination and light spreading of butter Shams Pvyd

and seeks what is the limit? Do Shams to lighting and lighting design needs?

The light from the sun is sprayed over the soil target, you wonder?

Let us turn to the sun to send a reporter who asked him: What is the purpose of your application and light exposure?Sun and

say: My goal is to save the earth from destruction and give them to you, I want nothing for myself, but for their health. When

Sun and say: My goal is to save the earth from destruction and give them to you, I want nothing for myself, but for their

health. When our reporter on the ground to return to our surprise,our reporter on the ground to return to our surprise,All the

people back home have made the sun, because the sun is behind? Because the sun hostility and resentment. Why the hatred

and enmity than the sun? I do not know. Maybe .....

If anyone is blaming the sun and the sun is hostile, his eyes reveal the flaw Naky not Khvrshydra defects.

God, the purpose of our creation is that we get to perfection, more precisely, we are happy to bring it to perfection get away

with turning to worship him, he can not. As an example, the Sun said.

If we cry over why God created us out? Or call on us to:I had a bad patch in the creation of my own creation, I am not

satisfied with the force

The weakness of our intellect and heart are disclosed, and though it is bittersweet to know: fault of our own reform plans

come and creator are not modified. 

The concept of God Almighty Divine Afalsh your return will not be considered until the problem is the inherent right of self-

completedAnd does not need anything, so why Creation is denied?

But in order to return to God"s creatures, as the sun Illumination will light the world, he is entitled to the fullest and living

beings and should not need candy.. Yes, the sun provides no vitamin vitamins our body itself. I also do not defect.

If all the people to build a solar house will not add anything to the sun and the sun is behind you all the people build

homes,Sun will not be anything less. People do not need the sun to him, the people who receive the sun"s light and heat

their homes should be built.

There is no need to worship the Lord commanded to pray. These are the people who get to benefit from specific divine grace

and grow.

The Quran says: If people have disbelieved, not an atom of the Lord, because He is in no need of all human beings. 




91/12/9::: 10:7 ص
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