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A Muslim Girl[1]

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In many verses of the Qur"an states that Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his family wind is an illiterate and

uneducated to this entry through the Prophet"s relatives who had grown them declaredListen to Amit, he is even said to them.

However, one of the Prophet"s saying Bysvadysh objected. But in addition to being an illiterate man who offers him a bookFull of

wisdom and knowledge to the extent that it is scientific and philosophical ideas to attract scientists and thinkers of East and West

has learned his Rambhvt. Why were the people in the time of ProphetAnd Jesus grew up among them, some of them were

people who turned to idolatry and superstition and other people of the bookTheir beliefs and teachings and commandments of

the Torah and the Gospel brought Hdyn books. However, the book that made ??his previous books have fundamental

differences.Khrafatsh asked to fight with illusions, scientific truths and moral teachings and wisdom of God"s rid of these

superstitions, superstitious theology of monotheism and the exception that it did not escapeMonotheism and Holy Koran in

discussing theology, God is presented as a competent authority of God according to the divine office and its uniqueWhat does

the flaw and the creation God made ??acquittal, the realm of God"s rid of illusions and false prophecy, and even as a matter of

.principle and a method is correctly before


Consolidated verses in the Quran:Listen to the unity and oneness of Almighty Allah, without any partner to God as being made

??in some of the versesAffirms monotheism the essential oneness of the other features that are God spoke and introduced

the following verses God deals

Unity and real property


Sura Baqara verses 117 and 116 of the oneness of the universe and the willingness of his real property referred to God is thus introduced:

(Jews, Christians and pagans) say to their child, God has made ??him the perfect ratio, but that is in the heavens and the

earth and everything in humbling themselves before him, the creation of the heavens and the earth when something

command, it says: generate IP! Even comes immediately


Mandate traits and Science


As well as Sura Baqara verse 163 and 255 referring to the Mandate and the knowledge of God"s character, God is introduced

in such a way that:

Your God is only One who is worthy of worship except Him, because He is merciful and compassionate.In verse 255 of this

surah added that he is no God but God, he is alive and his substantive right to her and other creatures - never call her heavy

slumber, and not, in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth his.


Unity in God"s Creativity


In addition to the above traits chapter of life in verses 5 and 6 referred to the creativity of God, says this: "For God is not in

the heavens or in the earth, it does not hideHe is the one who wants you in the womb, so that image, so God but that God is

Mighty, Wise

102 and 103 are expressed in Koran verses anaam: and he is no god except Allah and that you Prvrgar is and what He has

created, so that he can praise HimDominance and authority over all things, but his eyes incapable of understanding her eyes to

understand that God is incomprehensible, yet aware


In Surah Yunus verse 34 it says:

"Tell them only that the universe is God, gives you, then you will make it so. Then you may need to do one but she expressed

God"s will

In Chapter 2 Surah Raad verse to meditate on the divine will and the will of the universe and, he says, "the heavens without

pillars that you can see that God is raised to the throne of paymentThe moon and the sun making its docile and obedient to

everyone over a certain period in history, and they devise all of his DrtsltGod thus its verses explained in detail and you are sure

to meeting your Lord and believe

God is no God save Him praise and thanks to God, the eternal from the first day until the last day. Judgment and decree of

Him and returning to Him all the time. (Chapter qesas)

Absolute monarch

Verses 24-22 of Sura interaction "He is not God, he is God, He is the absolute monarch, clean and free of defects, his haven of

safety, safeguard the people, and the most powerful of all meaning, and mastered everything environments a. noble, pure and

GloryAllah blow to idolatry, God is the creator, creator, painter and portraitist world for his good qualities and names. The

heavens and the earth, glorify Him, God says He is Mighty, Wise

More results

These were some of the verses about unity and oneness of God, which has been proven to be a matter of philosophical and

intellectualBut the miracle of the Quran"s teachings of intellectual and philosophical about it is that makes this material a crash

courseAnd besides, it"s such a high level of education, age, culture itself is completely contradictory, because in that era, God

only knewAnd various gods they worship and respect for God"s children, and did not accept the Oneness of the reasons for

such an uneducated and weak based on the invalidity of an ignorant would believe every Arab



91/12/9::: 5:52 ع
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