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1:11 ع
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A Muslim Girl[1]

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Talk about unity and the Qur"an as God, and the things of God and the supernatural nature of the Quran. Now if we got the

same problem with this is that the QuranUltra day and age it is even that much prior to Azmnh Yvmna marked, then the fact that

the Arab man who said these words was Amy, this is a miracle itself.


The Unity of the whistle and the other matters that we can wash things around them do the analysis, such as the Koran, morals

and education to guide mankind in general, but this is the same story:If you see this on a surface that does not allow any people

in that day and age werePrivate thoughts and personal meanings of these concepts are compared, even after weAnd see people

who have come after him have never been to his feet, this is a miracle itself.


Other steps, rules and regulations, because the Quran is also evident in a series of laws concerning social matters concerning

worship in the law so they say deals. On social rights, family rights on.